Constraints and its classification Constraints force Constraints are restrictions that limit the motion of the particles of...
Month: May 2023
Electricity and Magnetism Author: Dr. Vimal Saraswat ISBN : 978-81-7906-641-6 Price: Rs. 445.00 Publisher: Himanshu Publications, Hiran...
साम्यावस्था तथा विभव कूप की अभिधारणा सभी संरक्षी क्षेत्र में स्थितिज ऊर्जा U = U (x, y,...
Equilibrium and concept of potential well In all conservative field, potential energy U = U (x, y,...
अमूर्त बीजगणित (Abstract Algebra) वलय सिद्धान्त तथा रैखिक बीजावली (Ring Theory and Linear Algebra) लेखक: डॉ. विमल...
Oscillations, Waves and Acoustics Authors: Dr. Vimal Saraswat ISBN : 978-81-7906-625-6 Price: Rs. 395.00 Publisher: Himanshu Publications,...
विद्युतिकी एवं चुम्बकत्व (Electricity and Magnetism) लेखक: डॉ. विमल सारस्वत ISBN : 978-81-7906-287-6 Price: Rs. 325.00 प्रकाशक:...
यांत्रिकी (Mechanics) स्थिति विज्ञान, गति विज्ञान तथा द्रव स्थैतिकी (Statics, Dynamics and Hydrostatics) Our most awaited book...
Discrete Mathematics Authors: Dr. Vimal Saraswat, Dr. Naresh Menaria ISBN : 978-93-94954-60-1 Price: Rs. 395.00 Publisher: Himanshu...