Types of Power Diodes The power diodes are mainly classified into following three categories: General purpose diode...
Month: June 2023
Power Electronic Devices Introduction of power device Power semiconductor diodes are similar to low power pn-junction diodes....
Power diodes Introduction of power diode Power diode is a two layer, two terminal, p-n semiconductor diode....
Introduction of power electronics Power electronics belongs partly to power engineers and partly to electronics engineers. It...
डी-ब्रोगली परिकल्पना इस परिकल्पना के अनुसार एक गतिमान कण से सदैव एक तरंग सम्बद्ध होती है। यह...
de Broglie hypothesis According to de-Broglie, a wave is always associated with every moving particle. This wave...
कॉम्पटन प्रभाव (प्रकाश की कण प्रकृति) इस प्रभाव की खोज ए. एच. काॅम्पटन ने की। जब λ...
Compton Effect (Quantum nature of light) Compton effect was discovered by A.H. Compton. When a beam of...
Planck’s Radiation Law This is application of Bose-Einstein statistics. According to quantum theory, the radiant energy occurs...
मैक्सवेल बोल्ट्जमान सांख्यिकी यह सांख्यिकी उन कणों पर आरोपित की जाती है, जो एक दूसरे से विभेदित...