Kinetic theory of gas and Pressure of an ideal gas
Postulates of kinetic theory of gases
- A gas is made of tiny invisible, perfectly elastic particles. These particles are known as molecules.
- All the molecules of a pure gas are identical and they move continuously in all possible directions with all possible velocities.
- The gas exerts a pressure on the walls of chamber in which it is filled.
- The gaseous molecules collide with each other continuously and they traverse a straight line path between any two successive collisions.
- The size of the molecules is infinitely small as compared to the distance traversed by the molecules in between any two successive collisions.
- The collisions are instantaneous and there is no loss of kinetic energy in the collisions.
- The molecules exert no force on each other, except when they collide, and the whole molecular energy is kinetic.
- The volume of the gaseous molecules is negligible in comparison to the volume of the vessel in which gas is filled.
- The intermolecular distance in a gas is very large, so the molecules are free to move in the entire space available to them.
Mean free path
- The distance between any two successive collision is free path, and the mean of these free paths is mean free path.
Pressure of an ideal gas
- Let the components of c1 in X, Y and Z directions are u1, v1 and w1 respectively.
- Let the molecules strikes the wall ABCD with velocity u1
- The momentum of the molecule along X-direction = mu1
- Since the molecules and the walls are perfectly elastic, so during collision the velocity of the particles does not change, only its direction reverses.
- The momentum of the molecule along X-direction after collisions = – mu1
- Therefore the change in momentum during one collision = mu1 – (mu1) = 2mu1
- The molecule traverse 2l distance with the velocity u1, before striking again to the same wall ABCD.
- So, the time taken by molecule between two successive collisions with the walls ABCD = 2l / u1
- Now, the number of collisions per second with the walls ABCD = u1 / 2l
- The change in momentum per second due to collision of this molecule with the wall ABCD = 2mu1 × (u1 / 2l) = mu12 / l
- The net change in momentum per second due to all the n molecules striking the face ABCD, dp/dt = mu12 / l + mu22 / l + mu32 / l + … + mun2 / l = (m / l ) Σu2
- According to Newton’s second law force F = dp/dt
- Force exerted by gas on the face ABCD of the vessel = (m / l ) Σu2
- If A is the area, then the pressure P = F/A
- Pressure on the wall ABCD, Px = (m / l ) Σu2 × (1 / l2) = (m / l3) Σu2
∵ Volume of chamber, V = l3
∴ Px = (m / V) Σu2
- Similarly Py = (m / V) Σv2 and Pz = (m / V) Σw2
- If the size of cube is very small, Px = Py =Pz = P
∴ 3P = (m / V) Σ (u2 + v2 + w2)
or P = (m / 3V) Σ (u2 + v2 + w2)
∵ c2 = u2 + v2 + w2)
∴ P = (m / 3V) Σ c2
Since mean square velocities of all the n- molecules is
∵ mn = M (Total mass of the gas)
and mn / V = ρ (Density of the gas)
Here E is the kinetic energy per unit volume of the gas
Since the velocity of sound in gas is
v2 = γP / ρ
Here γ is the ratio of two specific heats of same gas
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