Canonical ensemble
- It is a collection of essentially independent assemblies having the same temperature T, volume V, and number of identical particles N.
- To assure that all the assemblies have the same temperature, we could bring all the assemblies in thermal contact with each other.
- In figure a canonical ensemble is shown in which all the individual assemblies are separated by rigid, impermeable, but diathermic walls.
- Since energy can be exchanged between the assemblies therefore they will reach a common temperature.
- Thus in canonical ensemble, assemblies can exchange energy, but not particle.
- Let an isolated system be made up of two subsystems such that H1 (p1, q1) and H2 (p2, q2) be the Hamiltonian of the subsystems, and N1 and N2 be the number of particles in the subsystems.
- Also N2 >> N1, but N1 and N2 are macroscopically large.
- Now, we consider a microcanonical ensemble of the composite system having total energy between E and E + 2ΔE.
- Also the energies of the subsystems E1 and E2 satisfy, E < E1 + E2 < E + 2ΔE.
- Since the analysis of microcanonical ensemble shows that only one set of values of E1 (bar) or E2 (bar) is important.
Let E2 (bar) >> E1 (bar)
- Also Γ2 (E2) is the volume occupied by system 2 in its own Γ space.
- The probability of finding the system 1 in a state within dp1dq1 of (p1, q1) regardless of the state of system 2 is directly proportional to dp1dq1 Γ2(E2)
∴ P1 ∝ dp1dq1 Γ2(E2) Where E2 = E – E1
∴ The density in Γspace for system 1 up to a probability constant.
- exp [S2(E)/k] is independent of E1 so it is constant for a small subsystem.
- Also E1 = H1 (p1, q1)
∴ The ensemble density for a small subsystem, ρ (p, q) ∝ exp [ –H (p, q) / kT]
- The ensemble defined by this equation is known as canonical ensemble and the larger subsystem behaves as a heat reservoir in thermodynamics.
- The volume in Γspace occupied by the canonical ensemble (partition function)
- Here h = dpdq is a constant, we use it to make QN dimensionless.
- Also 1/N! appears from the rule of correct Boltzmann counting.
- The thermodynamics of the system can be obtained by,
QN (V, T) = exp [–βA (V, T)], here A (V, T) = Helmholtz free energy
Justification of this equation
A is an extensive quantity
QN (V, T) = ∫ [(d3Np d3Nq )/ (h3N N!)] exp [–βH (p, q)]
- From above equation if the system is made up of two subsystems, whose mutual interaction can be neglected, then QN is a product of two factors.
- In this way we can say that A is an extensive quantity.
A is related to the internal energy and the entropy as
U = < H > = A + TS
From identity, 1 / (h3N N!) ∫ dp dq exp [β { A (V, T) – H (p, q)}] = 1
- Differentiating on either side with respect to β
- Other thermodynamic functions can be determined from A (V, T) by the Maxwell’s thermodynamic relation as
- To know in detail about canonical ensemble click on the link for English and click on the link for Hindi
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