Characteristic X-ray spectrum Line spectrum The methods of producing characteristic X-rays are: In this method we use...
BSc English
Coaxial lens system and its cardinal points Let two lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 are...
Thick lens and its cardinal points Thick lens The combination of two spherical surfaces, is known as...
Deviation produced by a thin lens Deviation produced by a thin lens In this figure I is...
Image formation and Newton’s formula Formation of image by cardinal points Formation of image by cardinal points...
Aplanatic points of a spherical refracting surface From Abbe’s sine condition ...
Abbe’s sine condition Sign convention For axial or longitudinal distance The distances measured along optic axis or...
Cardinal points of an optical system There are total six cardinal points of a lens system, which...
Semiconductors The atoms of these substance have their conductivity intermediate between conductors and insulators. The resistivity of...
Classification of Solids The solids can be classified in three parts, conductor, semiconductor and insulators. On the...