Postulates of classical statistical mechanics It is based on the following postulates Postulates of equal a priori...
Course Material
Phase space and density function Phase space or 𝚪 space In classical mechanics the position of a...
Liquid helium as a Boson system Ordinary helium consists almost entirely of neutral atom of the isotope...
Rectangular cavity resonator A rectangular cavity resonator is a piece of rectangular waveguide of dimension a, b,...
Applications of uncertainty principle According to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle it is impossible to determine precisely and simultaneously...
हाइजेनबर्ग का अनिश्चितता का सिद्धान्त इस सिद्धान्त के अनुसार दो विहिप रूप से संयुग्मित चरों को सटीक...
कला वेग तथा समूह वेग (Phase velocity and Group velocity) कला वेग (तरंग वेग) यदि एक एकवर्णीय...
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle According to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle it is impossible to determine precisely and simultaneously two...
Phase velocity and Group velocity Phase velocity (Wave velocity) If a single monochromatic wave (wave of single...
प्लांक विकिरण नियम यह बोस आइंसटिन सांख्यिकी का अनुप्रयोग है। क्वांटम सिद्धान्त के अनुसार विकिरित ऊर्जा सदैव...