Canonical ensemble It is a collection of essentially independent assemblies having the same temperature T, volume V,...
Statistical Mechanics
Gibbs paradox The entropy of an ideal gas Now, we consider two ideal gases...
Classical ideal gas If m be the mass of particle and pi be the linear momentum then...
Equipartition theorem Let xi be any coordinate or momenta i.e., xi = qi or pi (i =...
Derivation of thermodynamics For deriving thermodynamics we consider that the system is under quasi-static thermodynamic transformation. A...
Microcanonical ensemble Microcanonical ensemble It is a collection of essentially independent assemblies having the same energy E,...
Grand canonical ensemble Grand canonical ensemble Microcanonical ensemble is a collection of independent assemblies in which energy...
Postulates of classical statistical mechanics It is based on the following postulates Postulates of equal a priori...
Phase space and density function Phase space or 𝚪 space In classical mechanics the position of a...
Liquid helium as a Boson system Ordinary helium consists almost entirely of neutral atom of the isotope...