Grand canonical ensemble
Grand canonical ensemble
- Microcanonical ensemble is a collection of independent assemblies in which energy (E), volume (V), and number of particles (N) remain constant.
- Canonical ensemble is a collection of independent assemblies in which temperature (T), volume (V), and number of particles (N) remain constant.
- It mean a microcanonical ensemble ⟶ Canonical ensemble, if we ignore the condition E = constant.
- Therefore the energy exchange takes place in this ensemble.
- Actually in chemical process, the number of particles N varies and it is very difficult to keep the number of particles constant in various phenomenon like radioactive decay process.
- Thus grand canonical ensemble is an ensemble in which the exchange of energy as well as the number of particles takes place with the heat reservoir.
- The grand canonical ensemble is a collection of essentially independent assemblies having the same temperature T, volume V, and a chemical potential µ.
- Thus grand canonical ensemble is a situation in which we know both the average energy and the average number of particles in assembly, otherwise we don’t know the state of the system.
- The density function in Гspace for grand canonical ensemble = ρ (p, q, N)
- Here p is momenta, q is coordinate and N is number of particles.
- To find ρ (p, q, N), we consider the canonical ensemble for a system with particles N, volume V and temperature T.
- Here we can not take exactly V = constant, so our focus is on a small sub-volume V1 of the system.
- Let N1 particles be in volume V1, and N2 particles be in volume V2
- N1 + N2 = N ⇒ N2 = N – N1 and V1 + V2 = V ⇒ V2 = V – V1
- Also we assume that V2 >> V1 and N2 >> N1
- If H1 and H2 be the Hamiltonian of the system then
- The total Hamiltonian of the composite system
- H (p, q, N) = H1 (p1, q1, N1) + H2 (p2, q2, N2)
Partition function of the system
- The partition function of the total system

- In the last term we consider that the system under consideration to become infinite in size or 0 ≤ N < ∞.
- For thermodynamic function, we define grand partition function
Average number of particle
- By ensemble average, the average number of particles
Internal energy
- To know more about grand canonical ensemble click on the link for English and click on the link for Hindi
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