Practical Physics – I
Author: Dr. Vimal Saraswat
ISBN : 978-81-7906-818-2
Price: Rs. 145.00
Publisher: Himanshu Publication, Hiran Magri, Udaipur; Himanshu Publications, Prakash House, Ansari Road, New Delhi
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Phone: +91 9664392614
This book includes the following topics
- Determination of Young’s modulus (Y), modulus of rigidity (η), bulk modulus (κ) and Poisson’s ratio (σ) of a given wire by Searle’s method.
- Determination of the thermal conductivity (K) of a bad conductor (such as wood, ebonite, cardboard etc.) by Lee’s method.
- Determination of the value of the mechanical equivalent of heat (J) by Callender and Barne’s continuous flow calorimeter.
- Study of variation in surface tension of a liquid (water) with temperature by Jaeger’s method.
- Determination of coefficient of damping (K), relaxation time (T) and quality factor (Q) of a damped simple harmonic motion using a simple pendulum.
- Study of simple harmonic underdamped oscillations and determination of the coefficient of damping (K), relaxation time (τ), quality factor (Q), time period (T) and angular frequency.
- Determination of the value of acceleration due to gravity at a place by using Kater’s pendulum.
- Determination of the modulus of rigidity of the material of a wire or rod by statical method using Bortan’s apparatus.
- Determination of the value of modulus of rigidity of the material of a given wire by dynamical method using Maxwell’s needle.
- Determination of the coefficient of viscosity of water by Poiseuille’s method at room temperature.
- Determination of Poisson’s ratio of rubber.
- Determination of the velocity of sound in air at room temperature with Kundt’s tube.
- Determination of the modulus of rigidity of the material of a wire by torsional pendulum by dynamical method
- Determination of coefficient of viscosity of liquid by Stokes’ law.
- Calibration of the Carey Foster’s bridge wire (i.e., to determine resistance per unit length of the wire), and determination of the specific resistance of the material of the given wire.
- Study of the variation of thermo e.m.f. with temperature, for a given thermocouple using a potentiometer, measurement of thermo e.m.f. and determination of neutral temperature.
- Study of a thermocouple and plot a graph between thermo-emf and temperature of hot junction.
- Study of growth and decay of current in R.C. circuit and determination of the time constant.
- Determination of impedance of L-R circuit and finding phase relationship in current and voltage.
- Determination of the constants of a ballistic galvanometer, current and charge sensitivity, time period, logarithmic decrement and galvanometer resistance.
- Determination of the intensity of magnetic field using ballistic galvanometer and search coil, and study of variation in magnetic field of an electromagnet with current.
- Determination of the value of high resistance by leakage method and also determine the leakage resistance of a condenser.
- Determination of low resistance using Kelvin’s double bridge and to calculate the specific resistance.
- Determination of the value of dielectric constant of a given liquid by LCR series resonance method.
- Study of frequency response curve for LCR series resonance circuit and determination of its quality factor (Q) and sharpness of resonance.
- Study of frequency response curve for LCR parallel resonance circuit and determination of its quality factor (Q) and sharpness of resonance.
- Determination of self inductance of a given coil by Anderson’s bridge.
- Compare the capacities of two capacitors with the help of De Sauty’s bridge using a headphone and oscillator.
- Compare the capacities of two capacitors with the help of De Sauty’s bridge using a ballistic galvanometer.
- Measurement of capacitance and dielectric constant of a liquid condenser by De-Sauty bridge.
- Determination the mutual inductance between two coils by Carey Foster’s bridge method.
- Appendix