Rectangular cavity resonator
- A rectangular cavity resonator is a piece of rectangular waveguide of dimension a, b, and c.
- In figure a rectangular cavity resonator of sides a, b, c is shown.
TE waves in a rectangular cavity resonator
- Here we will consider about two transverse electric waves, out of two one moves in +z direction and another in -z direction.
- Let the transverse component of electric field for TE waves propagating along +z direction be
- Here E1t (x, y) is the part of E1t which is independent of z and t, which can be derived from the z-component of H1z (x,y) by using the equation
- The value of H1t (x, y) can be obtained by using
- Boundary conditions
- On solving the above equation we get
- The transverse component of electric field for TE waves propagating along -z direction will be
- On superposition of waves having electric field E1t (x, y, z, t) and E2t (x, y, z, t), we get the electric field
- Since the tangential component of electric field intensity vanishes at the bounding surface of the cavity.
- On applying boundary condition Et (x, y, z, t) |z = 0 = 0, we get
- On applying boundary condition Et (x, y, z, t) |z = c = 0, we get
or sin kc = 0
or kc = pπ ; where p = 0, 1, 2, 3, …
or k = pπ / c
Here p = 0, 1, 2, 3, …
- The components of magnetic field intensity can be calculated by Maxwell’s equation.
- From Maxwell’s third equation
- This equation give the resonant frequencies for different sets of m, n, p for different cavity modes.
- If two or more independent cavity modes have the same resonant frequencies then it is known as degenerate frequency.
- It is found that the modes TE000, TE001, TE010 and TE100 do not exist in the cavity.
- The lowest modes (dominant mode), which are possible in TE mode are TE101, TE011 etc.
- The allowed frequencies corresponding to dominant modes is fundamental frequency.
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TM waves in a rectangular cavity resonator
- Here we will consider about two transverse electric waves, out of two one moves in +z direction and another in -z direction.
- Let the transverse component of electric field for TM waves propagating along +z direction be
- Here E1t (x, y) is the part of E1t which is independent of z and t, which can be derived from the z-component of E1z (x,y) by using the equation
- The value of E1t (x, y) can be obtained by using
- Boundary conditions
- On solving the above equation we get
- The transverse component of electric field for TM waves propagating along –z direction will be
- The value of Ez (x, y, z, t) can be obtained as
- The components of magnetic field intensity can be calculated by Maxwell’s equation.
- From Maxwell’s third equation
- This equation give the resonant frequencies for different sets of m, n, p for different cavity modes.
- If two or more independent cavity modes have the same resonant frequencies then it is known as degenerate frequency.
- It is found that the modes TM000, TM001, TM010 and TM100, TM101, TM011 do not exist in the cavity.
- The lowest possible mode (dominant mode) in TM wave is TM110.
- The allowed frequency corresponding to dominant modes is fundamental frequency
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